Our Services
Wills, Benefits, Other Matters
Wills, Trusts, Probate
At some point in everyone's lives, there will be a time when writing a will is necessary. One of the most important things we can each do in this lifetime is to consider what we would like to leave for those we love and care about. Writing a will can be a challenging undertaking, especially if it is your first time. It can also be a rather emotional process. The process can invite anxieties we would rather not think about, but it is crucial that we have control over what happens to our belongings when we're gone. The lawyers we work with are professional and articulate, understand the process well, and handle these cases with compassion and patience.
More than just wills, we have had clients approach us for assistance in setting up trusts for their children or other beneficiaries. Planning for the future should be done with care, but it does not need to be an impossible task. Please reach out to us if this is something you are in the process of doing, are considering doing, or just want to know more about the process.
VA Benefits, Claims, Discharge Upgrades, Etc.
Let's be real. Accessing your benefits upon retirement or discharge from the military is not always the easiest thing to do. Veterans are told they have benefits they can use and certain rights granted to them, but it is not always clear what exactly those benefits allow them to do or how their protections can be used. Veterans Legal Justice works with volunteers who understand the VA system very well and have helped veterans gain a greater understanding of what they are entitled to in as little as one phone call.
We have had clients who have called us because of long-term injuries they didn't realize could be service related, because of employment conditions that unfairly discriminated against them because of something related to military service, and numerous insurance or other types of benefits questions.
The great irony of veteran benefits is that, for all they promise, they sometimes have a tendency to make things more complicated. If you are confused about anything related to your existing benefits, recent policy changes, or whether you may qualify for additional programs, please feel free to call us. In addition to a network of talented attorneys, we also have volunteers who are familiar with the veteran services landscape, and one of them may be able to pass on additional information.
Other Services
The sections on this website are not exhaustive. There are too many different types of cases to list, but we want to give visitors a good idea of services offered. Even if you are not sure whether the issue you are dealing with is a legal issue, please call us. We will figure it out together and, one way or another, get you to the right place.
Contact us with any questions or to request legal services. We are always happy to help.